Greetings from South Africa in the name of the Spirit that breathes life into the Cosmos.
This is not a website; Afreetekture is a ritual artifact and portal for inhabiting the planet and cosmos. Therefore, before entering please allow yourself to be open. The best way to experience this work is by aligning your mind and your heart with the rhythms of God the Creator who animates the Cosmos, the rivers, the ants, and the heartbeats of all humans, plants, and animals on this planet. By entering you agree that the spirit of God may touch you and cause you to participate in the beautiful frightening dance.
To view the different works of art and architecture among others, click on one of the beads around the symbol of the cosmos above.
In Each bead you will see the following:
Outlines our current research
Discussions about the rhythm, and how people can reconnect

Art & Exhibitions
These works are spiritual artifacts. All of them are inspired by the living cosmos

The designs shown here are portals to aid humanity synchronise with the great Cosmos
In this bead we describe who we are and what this project is
In this bead you can find all the latest Afreeblogs
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NOGA MO JOZI Exhibition
Africa Town was a competition entry who's design was lead by Architect Peter Rich in collaboration with Afreetekture and Activate architects. The competition required competition entrants to respond to the historical narrative of the last illegal slave ship, the Clotilda, that stole Africans and transported them to America, specifically Mobile Alabama. You can see more here.
Africa Town - a view of the welcome precinct and gardens of remembrance
Noga Mo Jozi delves into the many possible African urban imaginaries of Johannesburg with the help of AI as an iterative tool for creation. It sees African urban futures not as sci-fi but as the extension of a millennia old engagement with spiritualism, humanity, the earth, and design intersecting with technology. The exhibition by Dr Sechaba Maape (co-curator of the SA pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale), brings together for the first time in South Africa, together with AI Joburg African urban speculations from Dr Sechaba Maape, Menzi Ndlovu, Dirk Coetser, Anita Szentesi. It’s showing at the Fak’ugesi Festival is made possible with the support of the WITS School of Architecture and Planning.
Exhibition opening is on the 28th September at the Tshimologong precinct - Get Tickets here
Noga Mo Jozi will be showing from 28th September to 30th October 2023.
Noga Mo Jozi Exhibition concept sketch
Noga Mo Jozi Exhibition
Afreetekture is proud to be participating in the 18th Architecture Biennale in Venice where we are both curating and exhibiting. Afreetekture is presenting the Council of Non-human beings in the South African Pavillion curated by Dr Sechaba Maape, Dr Emmanuel Nkambule and Mr Stephen Steyn, an exhibition challenging Western traditions of representing the landscape, and drawing on indigenous knowledge systems and their understanding of the land as being alive.
The Council of Non-Human Beings will be showing from May to November 2023.

Council of non-human Beings exhibition - La Biennale Architettura 2023 SA Pavilion
lefelo la metsi a mantsi
noka ya noga
moletlo wa bashemane
Kuramba is a graphic novel project that explores the intersection between decolonisation, land, architecture and modernity. The graphic novel is set in Kuruman in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. It uses mytho-kuru-futurism, and tells the story of the trickster and destroyer Motlhakane, who was sent by God to destroy all evil and darkness, the fake light of modernity in the township of Mothibistad in Kuruman. Motlhakane represents the forces of the natural world, and these forces destroy anything that does not live within the natural order of the Cosmos.
Motlhakane destroying Mothibistad - digital sketch 2022